CAR CRUSHED OFF CHILD'S ARM. ~ Three-Year-Old Was Wandering in the Streets Alone.

March 15, 1908

Three-Year-Old Was Wandering in
the Streets Alone.

Louis Wagner, 3 years old, 562 Charlotte street, fell under an eastbound Northeast car at Independence avenue and Charlotte street about noon yesterday and suffered the loss of his right arm near the elbow. The child was taken to emergency hospital.

Motorman J. J. Howe and Conductor John Gordon were arrested by Patrolman Lorraine Mastin and taken to police headquarters. Captain Whitsett booked them for investigation, but the men were later released to appear before the prosecutor when wanted.

Witnesses said that the little 3-year-old was running across the street with the unsteady step of a toddler. As he gained the center of the tracks he looked back. Just at that moment the car came. The child fell under the front trucks.

The mother of the injured boy said that he left home in search of his brother, Ezra, 7 years old. She said that her children often went out alone. The father of the boy, Joseph Wagner, is an itinerant locksmith.