MAY DIE FROM KNIFE WOUNDS. ~ Frank Vane Stabbed Near the Heart by Harry Thomas.

March 16, 1908

Frank Vane Stabbed Near the Heart
by Harry Thomas.

"I went out in the back yard to learn what Harry was swearing about and he stuck a butcher knife in my side and turned the knife around. That's all."

Frank Vane, who rooms at 543 Locust street, was talking as he lay on a cot in the emergency hospital. He was later taken to the general hospital, where Dr. Paul B. Clayton discovered that the knife thrust had cut his fifth rib on the left side clean in two and missed the heart by half an inch. Vane may die.

Harry Thomas, who admits he did the cutting, was arrested by Detectives Brice and Murphy. Jay M. Lee, deputy county prosecutor, came to police headquarters and heard Thomas's story, but decided that Thomas had been drinking too heavily to allow much reliability to be placed in his statement. Thomas is being held until Vane recovers or dies. Thomas rooms at 545 Locust street. Thomas is a railway man and has never been in trouble before. Vane, according to Police Captain Whitsett, is known to the police under the name of Robert DeWain.