Mamet Rahji, an Assyrian, May Die
From Wound in Lung.
An Assyrian who said his English name was George Karney and his real name Mamet Rahji, was taken to the emergency hospital late yesterday afternoon suffering from a stab wound in the left lung which barely missed the heart. He was attended by Dr. R. A. Shiras and put to bed. Karney, or Rahji, has been working as a porter at 419 West Tenth street. He has been in this country four years and in the city one month.
He said that he was sent down town to make some purchases about 5 p. m. On Central street near fire headquarters he met up with several men sitting on the curbstone. One of them, a man with a white mustache, was exhibiting a pair of shoes.
"He wanted me to buy them, but I refused, as they were too large," said the Assyrian. "I started to walk away and the man, who was angry, followed after me. About half a block away he walked up and stuck a knife in my left side. Then he ran."
Dr. Shiras said that the man's wound is a dangerous one and may cause death from pneumonia. The police are searching for the shoe salesman.