At Thirteenth and Grand Avenue,
and Motorman Was Injured.
In a street car collision last night that wrecked the front vestibule of a southbound Fifteenth street car, Clarence Oliver, motorman, was stunned and, it was thought at the time, seriously injured.
The accident happened about 9:30 o'clock at Thirteenth street and Grand avenue. Oliver's car was going south on Grand avenue across the switches that turn into Thirteenth street when a northbound Westport car "split" the switch. That is, the switch refused to work, and the car that should have continued straight north on Grand avenue took the curve, and was thrown across the front of the Fifteenth street car. Dr. Will Inen, who attended Oliver at the University hospital, believe he sustained a slight concussion of the brain. Oliver lives with his family at 1803 Jackson avenue. None of the passengers on the car was hurt.