WOULD BREAK UNCLE'S WILL. ~ Disinherited Nephew Wants Part of Rich Relative's Estate.

March 10, 1908

Disinherited Nephew Wants Part of
Rich Relative's Estate.

Hamp and George A. Steven's suit to break the will of their uncle, John C. Larwill, a millionaire, who died in Mansfield, O., two years ago, came to trial yesterday in Judge J. E. Goodrich's division of the circuit court. The trial will occupy all of this week.

Larwilll owned real estate in many Western states and his holdings in Kansas City are estimated to be worth $150,000. In the list are the lot and buildings at the southeast corner of Eighth and Main streets and ten lots on Troost avenue near Thirty-first street.

By the will Hampy Stevens was given $1,000 and George, his brother, wa disinherited. Among those who were generously remembered in the will, and are defending it, are Mrs. Susan M. Larwill, widow of John Larwill; Joseph H. Larwill, a brother, and Paul Larwill, a nephew. These people live in Ohio.