BOTH SIDES CLAIM VICTORY. ~ Chairman Taylor Predicts 2,000 for Beardsley, Ross 5,000 for Crittenden.

April 7, 1908

Chairman Taylor Predicts
2,000 for Beardsley, Ross
5,000 for Crittenden.

Election day weather prediction -- Cloudy, and possible showers.

Polls open at 6 a. m. and close at 7 p. m.

Predicted that 44,000 votes will be cast in the 164 voting precints of the city.
Beardsley and the entire general Republican ticket will be elected by over 2,000 majority. I have a complete poll of the city made by men experienced in such work. The majorities for Beardsley in that portion of the city south of the Belt line and east of Woodland will be surprisingly large. --Clyde Taylor, Chairman Republican City Central Committee.
Crittenden will be elected by 5,000 majority and the whole Democratic ticket as well will be elected. We figure we will carry the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, Eleventh, Thirteenth and Fourteenth wards. We concede the loss of the Tenth ward, but believe that Morris, Republican nominee for lower house alderman, will be beaten.
The sentiment for the election of Mr. Crittenden is growing hourly, and we predict his election y no less than 5,000 majority. -- Michael Ross, Chairman Democratic City Central Committee.

The foregoing is the forcasts of the chairman of the Republican and Demoratic city central committees on the outcome of today's municipal election. They are given for what they are worth. Laymen say the race between Beardsley and Crittenden for mayor is to be close, and politicians who have made a study of the conditions say likewise.

Betting men have been laying odds on Crittenden, but yesterday the prevailing odds of $100 to $80 on Crittenden were wiped out and the betting was even money. It was said about the pool rooms and places where men speculate on elections that it was the Democrats themselves who wiped out the odds after hearing that Republicans had large sums of money to wager, but the Republicans claimed that it was their oldness and willingness to bet that made the Democratic speculators withdraw the odds.

Nothing new or sensational was infused into the campaign yesterday. There was a delightful absense of the day before election roorbacks, and one of the most spectacular mud-slinging campaigns that Kansas City has seen in years had a rather peaceful close.

Polls will open at 6 o'clock this morning and close at 7 o'clock tonight, just thirteen hours of voting. Prophets on matters political are predicting that if the weather is fine 44,000 ballots will be cast, and that scratched votes will be an observable feature of the day.