Money Is Offered With Few Takers,
Pendergast's Odds.
Bets were being freely offered yesterday at even money as to the result for mayor and candidates on the main city ticket. The bulk of the cash seemed to be in the hands of the Crittenden supporters. Bets of $500 even on the Democratic nominee went begging, but smaller ones of $10, $20 and $50 were quickly called. A well known contractor visited the city hall, saying that he had $2,000 to bet on Crittenden in any sums convenient to Beardsley's supporters. After betting $50, the contractor ceased his bluffing, but promised to call again.
In a pool hall on Delaware street these bets were posted yesterday:
One hundred dollars, even, that Crittenden beats Beardsley.
Fifty dollars, even, Baehr, Republican, beats Ridge, Democrat for city treasurer.
One hundred dollars to 45 that Pendergast, Democrat, beats Rodman, Republican, for alderman of First ward.
Twenty-five dollars, even, Green, Republican, beats Hayes, Democrat, for alderman of Eighth ward.
Fifty dollars, even, that Woolf, Republican. beats beats Norton, Democrat, for alderman of Third ward.
Thirty dollars to $50 that Green beats Hayes.
Twenty-five dollars, even, that Kyle, Republican, beats Casey, Democrat, for police judge.