FARMER LOSES DAMAGE SUIT. ~ Angie Harnish Had Sued Motor Cycle Club for Scaring Horse.

April 15, 1908

Angie Harnish Had Sued Motor Cycle
Club for Scaring Horse.

The horse lost again yesterday in a legal battle with motor vehicles. A jury in Justice Young's court decided there was no cause for action in the case of Angie Harnish against the Kansas City Motor Cycle Club, which the plaintiff alleged on November 3 last caused his driving horse to run away, injuring him and endangering the life of his wife and 2-year-old baby.

Just on the outskirts of Greenwood, this county, he testified, eighteen club members, with their motors exhausting loudly, overtook him and ran around, in front of and behind him. To better hold his frantic horse, Harnish attempted to dismount and was thrown. Then the horse ran half a mile with the woman and baby before crashing into a fence. A party of farmers intercepted the Motor Cycle Club on its return run, and, it is said, threats were made which have prevented the club's returning there on any subsequent runs. The affair had the effect of practically disorganizing the club, but the members were jubilant yesterday that a jury conceded them road rights.

"Now I'm sure we'll get our men together again," the club president, R. D. Martin, said yesterday after the decision.

Harnish's suit was for $300 damages. One of Harnish's ankles was dislocated, a knee bruised and a Sunday suit ruined.