HISSED SPEAKERS FROM STAGE. ~ Century Patrons Did Not Want Any Politics Injected Into Bill.

April 3, 1908

Century Patrons Did Not Want Any
Politics Injected Into Bill.

Three candidates on the Republican city ticket found that the audience at the Century theater last night did not care to have the play interrupted by political speeches, and, in fact, had little interest in politics. Such loud hissing was never before heard from a theater audience in Kansas City as when one of the candidates attempted to make a speech. He was forced to leave the stage and the others had no better success.

"If that is the kind of reception we get on election day I am afraid things will not look as bright as they do now," said one of the candidates. After these men left the stage, the members of the burlesque company performing at the Century this week mentioned politics once or twice and received slight hisses from the audience.