If He Goes 3,000 Miles in Sixty Days
This Youth Gets $450.
To walk 3,000 miles cross-country from New York city to San Francisco in sixty days is the task which a young man, who arived in Kansas City last evening, says he is now in the midst of on a wager of $450. The continental pedestrian, Frank McAllister, figures the total distance by wagon roads and railroad tracks at 3,000 miles, and that he must cover fifty miles each day to win the purse He is now about three days behind on his schedule, he says.
McAllister said last evening that he had walked from Pleasant Hill, Mo., yesterday, a distance of thirty-five miles. He plans to walk toward Topeka, Kas., today on the Santa Fe tracks, but may remain here a day to rest. He says, if he stays here today, he can be found at the Y. M. C. A. club rooms.