Police Commissioner Had Them Join
the Race as a Test.
At the invitation of Elliott H. Jones, police commissioner, four men on motor cycles trailed the automobiles in the endurance race yesterday. All of the cycles made the trip successfully and beat Jones's machine back to Kansas City. The commissioner asked that the cycles be used on the run, because he has been appointed by the police board as a committee to investigate the feasibility of using motor cycles in the police department.
Dr. A. Moses, C. Hanson, C. O. Hahn and L. C. Shellaberger, each mounted on a two wheeled machine, left Armour boulevard and the Paseo in a bunch yesterday morning about fifteen minutes after the last automobile was officially started. The party made the run to Lawrence without mishap. The freshly dragged roads proved slow going south from Lawrence and at Baldwin the leader was misdirected and led the party to Edgerton, which is a few miles off the course. They got back on the track and passed Jones at Waldo.
They reached the city at 8:30 o'clock, with Moses a few yards in the lead. All of the cycles in the endurance test were Indians. Commissioner Jones, when he finally came steaming into the city, congratulated the four on their good run.