Farmer Near Sibley Discovered It
Thursday -- Missing Since
January 31.
The body of John Fahey, missing since January 31, was found in the Missouri river near Sibley, Mo., Thursday afternoon by a farmer, James Finn, while fishing. A Buckner undertaker was called to take charge of the body, and some of the stationary of the Kansas City waterworks department was found in a pocket. From this Fahey was quickly identified, as his disappearance became widely known about February 17, when to gratify the man's wife a waterworks trench at Twelfth and Main streets was re-excavated on the theory that workmen might have buried Fahey alive while he was inspecting the pipe connections on the work there the night he disappeared.
At midnight on the night of his disappearance he called up the waterworks department to say that he had just inspected the job, and the hole was ready to be filled. A gang of eight men was sent to do the work.
Sergeant M. E. Ryan, at police headquarters, a brother of Mrs. Fahey, went to Buckner yesterday and identified the corpse positively. There was 75 cents in the trousers' pockets. The body was taken to O'Donnell's undertaking rooms, and Deputy Coroner O. H. Parker held an autopsy. No marks of violence were found which, taken with the fact that he was not robbed, would seem to indicate that the man, either by accident or suicidal intent, got into the river.
There will be private funeral services at O'Donnell's undertaking rooms this morning at 10 o'clock, with burial in Mount St. Mary's cemetery.