CLUB WOMEN PLAN OUTING FOR THE POOR CHILDREN.~ Fifteen Organizations to Give Them a Day in the Woods at Swope Park.

May 22, 1908

Fifteen Organizations to Give Them
a Day in the Woods at
Swope Park.

Mrs. Henry N. Ess, state chairman of the philanthropy committee of the Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs, has received the indorsement of the Second district executive committee to give the children of the poor of Kansas City an outing of one day at Swope park.

Mrs. Ess presented her plans at the recent meeting in this city of the Second District Federation, composed of the counties of Platte, Carroll, Clay, Jackson, Ray, Lafayette, Cass and Johnson. Jackson is represented by the following fifteen federated clubs, all of which are enthusiastic over the plan for a children's club day at Swope: Anthenaeum, Central Study, South Prospect, Every Other Week, Bancroft, Ruskin, Tuesday Morning Study Class, Women's Reading Club, History and Literature, Alternate Tuesday Club, Council of Jewish Women, Magazine, Portia, Clionian and Keramic.

Nor is the movement confined to only federated clubs, but all women's clubs of the city are invited to join in celebrating and making a success of the big picnic for the juvenile poor of this city on Saturday, June 13.

Th membership of these clubs will aggregate 1,000 members and each woman has been asked to pledge herself to take at least two children from the poorer districts of the city, out to Kansas City's open country show place, Swope park, and give them an outing in the green fields. Each woman is to provide the lunch and entertainment for her little charges and is to give them her personal attention all day, and plan for their enjoyment. It will mean that several thousand children will make merry June 13 at their first attendance of a real "open" session of a woman's club.

All children ranging in ages from 6 to 12 years old will be eligible to this treat until the proper number has been reached, the assignment of two children to each club woman.

The event promises to be not only an exceptional treat for unfortunate children of this city, but will demonstrate the practical possibilities of the woman club movement, which reaches out and beyond the mere delving into Isben, Browning or Shakespeare, and shows the real good which can be accomplished by Kansas City's bright women when they take a notion to do a thing.