Boy Forgot Mother's Warning and
Tied Rope Around Him.
"Henry, be careful now, and don't wrap the rope around your body," was the warning given 10-year-old Henry Smith by his mother, when the lad left yesterday morning to take the family cow to pasture.
A half hour later the boy was found unconscious near a greenhouse on the Spring Branch road. His skull was crushed and his body covered with bruises. The cow's stake rope was wound around his body. He died a few minutes later without regaining consciousness.
Persons who saw the boy taking the cow to pasture say he led the animal for some time and then tied the rope around his body. A short time later the cow, probably frightened by something along the roadside, began to run, and before the lad could free himself, she jerked him off his feet. The frightened animal ran about a quarter of a mile. The boy's screams were heard as he tried to loosen the rope.
The body was removed to the Carson morgue in Independence. Henry was a son of Perry Smith, a house mover, who lives at 306 East Lexington avenue, Independence.