FASCINATING GAME OF INDIAN. ~ It Leads Hospital Patients to Desert, Clothed in Rugs.

May 5, 1908

It Leads Hospital Patients to Desert,
Clothed in Rugs.

Only patients in ward B at the general hospital know how strong the desire to play "Indian" may become. Sunday night J. K. Johnson, a patient in the ward, wrapped his head in a blanket and, clad only in underwear, dashed away through a door into the night. Last evening at 8:30 o'clock, Roy Collins jumped from his cot, seized a rug, threw it over his head and jumped from a window.

An hour later Owen Bowers, another patient, who had read of the "Indian" game before coming to the hospital, seized the last rug remaining in the ward, covered his head with it and dived out of the window in search of an affinity None of the three had been recaptured at 2 o'clock this morning. Perhaps each found his "squaw."