The Umpire's Life Not a Happy One
When the Home Team Loses.
Oh, it's great to be an umpire. Steve Kane is an umpire. Things didn't go just right, from the fans' point of view, at the baseball park yesterday and it looked as though a reception committee might greet the umpire as he left the park by the big gate after the game. At least, the police thought so and they hovered conveniently near until Kane had safely boarded a trolley car for down town.
Last night Steve Kane refereed two wrestling matches at the Century theater. The principals were introduced and then the announcer said:
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, I wish to introduce to you the referee of these matches, the very popular and affable baseball umpire, Mr. Steve Kane."
Enter Mr. Kane, R. U. E., bowing and smiling.
Siz-z-z! Wow! G-r-r-r! Zip-p-p!
For five minutes the audience hissed its opinion of Umpire Kane and then it settled back prepared to roar its disapproval of his decisions in the wrestling matches. But he was so manifestly correct in his decisions that the crowd was forced to acknowledge that he at least knew the wrestling game.