WANTED TO FEED HER RATS. ~ Woman Counterfeiter Begged Police to Take Her to Them.

May 6, 1907

Woman Counterfeiter Begged Police
to Take Her to Them.

The cases of George Elliott and Tillie Bullene, the confessed counterfeiters, who were arrested Saturday night in their room at 511 Locust street, were taken up yesterday by the United States grand jury. Sergeant Peter McCosgrove and Patrolman Joseph Enright, the arresting officers, gave their testimony and produced one of the most complete counterfeiter's outfits ever captured here.

Miss Bullene said that poverty drove her and Elliott to counterfeiting. Elliott made the money and she passed it. The woman cliamed that a sore hand needed constant attention and medicine had to be bought for it.

As she sat in the matron's room at police headquarters last night she had but two concerns -- her hand, which was giving her much pain, and the fact that her thirty-nine pet white rats, left behind at 511 Locust street, were suffering for food.

"I will promise not to make the least effort towards getting away," she told Captain Whitsett, "if you will only send some one along with me so I can feed my white rats. No one else wil care for them and it's downright cruel to let even a rat starve -- especially a white rat."

Miss Bullene cried bitterly as she said her hand pained her so. Dr. J. P. Neal fromm the emergency hospital, who examined the hand, said that iss Bullene was suffering from cancer. He also said that her hand may have to be amputated to save her life.