Slapped a Boy and Then Drew Re-
volver on Him.
Welsh said he was passing a pool hall at Fifteenth and Bellefontaine when Bateman came out and made him take a chain off a dog which Welsh was leading. Welsh then went down the street to where there was a blacksmith shop.
"He called me out," said the boy, "then he slapped me, hit me over the head with his club and drew his gun."
A man who did not know Welsh corroborated his statements as to the assault. Bateman said he had a bad cold and took some quinine and three drinks of whiskey, "which seemed to go to my head." Sergeant T. S. Eubanks, who arrested Bateman, said the latter had had trouble in a pool hall and also a store next door, and that his station had been notified to take him away. When he got there the trouble with the boy was on.