B. C. Boyles Alleges That S. D. Bur-
nett Thus Won the Love of
Mrs. Boyles.
Reading passages from the Songs of Solomon and Old Testament romances to Mrs. B. C. Boyles was one means employed by S. D. Burnett to win the woman's affections, Boyles, the husband, yesterday declared on the stand in Judge J. H. Slover's division of the circuit court, where his suit against Burnett for $20,000 for the alienation of his wife's affections is on trial. Just what particular songs and stories Burnett read Boyles was unable to specify.
It was only a short while ago, Boyles said, that he discovered Burnett had been reading form the Scriptures to Mrs. Boyles. He might have seen them reading, he said but he gave no thought to it, because Burnett is a leader in the Presbyterian church at Independence, and Mrs. Boyles is a church woman. It was when he overheard, as he claims, Mrs. Boyles recalling to Burnett things he had once read to her, that he grew suspicious.
This will be denied today, probably, by Burnett, when his attorneys have their inning in which to present the defense. The plaintiff has beeen showing his side of the case to the jury for two days and it will take as long to give the defense.
Boyles is a brother of Mrs. Burnett The two families were intimate until last autumn when Boyles filed suit against his brother-in-law. Burnett owns a section or so of land north of Independence. Boyles operates a dairy farm at Seventy-third street and Brooklyn avenue. Boyles secured a divorce last June on the ground that his wife's love for him had waned. He did not mention Burnett in that suit.