Mrs. Morasch's Trial Begins in Kan-
sas City, Kas., Today.
The second trial of Mrs Sarah Morasch, accused of killing Ruth Miller of 634 Cheyenne avenue, Armourdale, will begin this morning in the Wyandotte county district court under Judge McCabe Moore. Sixty-five jurors have been summoned for the panel, and the selecting of jurors to try the case may consume today and possibly tomorrow.
Attorney Joseph Taggart for the prosecution announces that he will have at least sixty witnesses for the state, some of them called from distant states, and that he will introduce some features in this hearing not introduced in the first one, a month ago. Attorneys Maher and Wooley, for the defense, are confident that the state will utterly fail to make a case against the accused.
Mrs. Morasch is confined in the county jail. The strain of the past two months, if there has been any, has left no visible effects, and her face, while a little pallid from the confinement, is much fuller.
The crime with which Mrs. Morasch is charged is that of sending a box of poisoned candies through the mails to Ella Miller, stepsister of Ruth Miller, Wednesday, February 12, this year. All the five children of Charles and Malinda Miller at home when the candy was received there tasted of the sweets, but only Ruth, 4 years old, died from the effects. Mrs. Morasch was captured by Sheriff Fred Hamilton of Cass county, Mo, a few days later. She had fled to Harrisonville.