Taken by William Becker and His
Wife on a Northeast Car.
William Becker and wife, 413 Prospect avenue, were suffering yesterday from a most unusual injury received Sunday night on an eastbound Northeast-Rockhill car. The accident occurred on one of the new cars, and in one of the long seats running parallel at the rear of the car. Just as the car rounded the curve into Maple avenue, Becker and his wife, from some source unseen by them, received such a terrific shock of electricity that they were thrown across the car to the opposite seats.
Becker was at work in the city market yesterday for C. L. Reeder, a fish merchant, but his right arm was practically useless and his right let was also in bad shape. He said his wife was shocked on the right side below the waist.
"I can't imagine where the shock came from," said Becker, "but I know that it was so strong that it almost blinded me for a moment. The conductor told me afterwards that his shoulder was almost dislocated when he grabbed me as I was thrown from the seat. I have heard of cars being charged with electricity on damp nights, and as it was very damp Sunday it may be that this car was in that state.