WOMAN MAY GO TO PRISON. ~ Marie Moore, the "Silent Woman," Becomes Loquacious.

May 14, 1908

Marie Moore, the "Silent Woman,"
Becomes Loquacious.

Marie Moore, the "silent woman," yesterday pleaded guilty in the United States district court to sending an objectionable letter through the mails to another woman. When she was placed on the witness stand she became so voluble the court had difficulty shutting her up. She told a story of her past life that astonished even the court officials. The letter the woman wrote was not read in open court, but was passed to the jurymen to read individually. It appeared that the woman was under some sort of influence of a half-breed negro. She is a good-looking, apparently fairly well educated woman, and seems to possess ordinary intelligence. The woman said her parents were farmers residing near West Grande, Ia. Her case has attracted considerable sympathy, that waned perceptibly when her life story was told in court yesterday.