CARRIED HIM HALF A MILE. ~ Wounded Lad Taken to Place of Safety by Herculean Comrade.

June 13, 1908

Wounded Lad Taken to Place of
Safety by Herculean Comrade.

Sheriff J. S. Steed of Johnson county, Kas., brought to this city last night for treatment O. C. Oberman, 18 years old, who had been shot at Corliss, Kas., yesterday morning. With him is Mike Stanislauski, 23 years old.

The youths left Topeka yesterday, and when they reached Corliss, Kas., it was raining. They were on foot and, as the depot there was unoccupied, they raised a window and entered.

"We had been in there but a few minutes," said Oberman, "when a young man whom I later learned was the son of a local merchant, came to the depot and ordered us out. He drew a revolver and struck me over the forehead. With the blood streaming down my face we made haste to get out. We had not gone ten feet, when he began to shoot at us, and the bullet went through my right knee."

Oberman said that Stanislauski carried him over a half mile through water up to his knees to where the ground was dry. Stanislauski was afraid to leave Oberman in the town. While Stanislauski was seeking aid a work train came along and the crew picked up the wounded boy and took him to Wilder, Kas., a station beyond where he had left Oberman.

While sitting on the station platform there debating what he would do Stanislauski said a constable came in a buggy two hours later and drove him to De Soto.

Sheriff Steed says he received word from the Santa Fe Company at Topeka to take the two men into custody. When he heard the story, however, he arrested the man who did the shooting and lodged him in jail in Olathe, Kas., the county seat. The sheriff said the man gave the name of Paul.

Oberman was taken to emergency hospital last night, where he was treated by Dr. J. Park Neal. Dr. Neal said that the wound was a serious one, as it involved the knee joint. This morning he will be removed to St. Joseph's hospital. He has an uncle in Detroit, Mich., who will be notified.