B. F. Scott Said to Have Beaten Wife
on Day of His Release.
Several days ago Mayor Thomas T. Crittenden, Jr., pardoned from the workhouse a man named B. F. Scott. Scott had been sent there May 5 to serve out a $500 fine -- one year -- for abusing his wife.
According to F. E. McCrary, Humane agent, the minute Scott was released he began a search for his wife. Finding her at 2811 North Freeman avenue, Kansas City, Kas., Scott is reported to have immediately raised trouble. He is said to have whipped his wife and assaulted Miss Daisy Rody, his niece. Both the wife and niece are reported to have been severely bruised and beaten. Then Scott, so it is said, grabbed his infant child and fled.
Yesterday afternoon Andrew Cole, a Humane officer from this side, went to Kansas City, Kas., and with W. W. Lacy, a truant officer, arrested Scott. They say he will not tell what became of the child. He was arrested at the wife's home, and the officers said she begged that he not be harmed.