County Judges Find Things in First
Class Shape There.
Conditions at the
McCune home for boys, located a few miles from Independence, were found to be satisfactory by two of the three judges of the county court who visited there yesterday for the purpose of making an inspection. Judges J. M. Patterson and C. E. Moss, accompanied by Frank Ray, the architect, and William Southern of Independence, county examiner for Jackson county, made the trip of inspection.
"We are much pleased with the way Thomas N. Hughes, manager of the home, has conducted its affairs," said Judge Patterson last night. "We found seventeen boys at the home and they seem to be happy and contented. The boys have a garden in which they raise many vegetables and this keeps them busy and out of mischief. Yesterday Mr. Hughes was putting some shingles o n the house and five of the boys seemed to enjoy helping him.
"We are planning to erect a temporary barn or shed in which the boys can play on rainy days and which can be sued as a sleeping room in case the home becomes crowded. We are also planning the erection of a series of cottages, but this work probably will not be taken up before net fall."