Smith Lewis Was Even Afraid to
Speak in Her Presence.
"Here he is, now lock him up. I went over town and arrested him myself and made him come across the line with me. I'll show him he can't pick up and desert me."
The speaker was Mrs Della Lewis of 836 Everest avenue, Kansas City, Kas., and her remarks were addressed to Acting Sergeant "Pal" Richardson at police headquarters as she marched her husband, Smith Lewis, up to the sergeant's desk yesterday morning. Officer Richardson did not know what to make of the matter at first and asked what charge she wished to place against her prisoner.
"The charge has already been made," continued Mrs. Lewis. "I swore out a warrant several days ago for his arrest for not supporting me, but he slipped over to Kansas city, Mo., to avoid arrest. I went over and found him this morning, and here he is."
No one at police headquarters knew anything about the case and City Attorney Nelson was called. He stated that it was true that Lewis was wanted for abandoning his wife and family. He was searched and locked up.
"Now that I have landed you in jail I will be on hand in police court in the morning to prosecute," were the parting words hurled at Lewis by his wife as he was being led to the cell room. Lewis offered no remonstrance and appeared to be afraid to speak in the presence of Mrs. Lewis. After she had gone he remarked to the jailer: "She's fierce. I can't do a thing with her."