Miss Beebe Thompson Says His
Show Is Very Naughty.
Following up the plan outlined some time ago, looking to the better morals of the children and youths, especially in the crowded tenement districts, the Franklin institute recently instructed Miss Beebe Thompson, a settlement worker, to make an investigation of the pictures shown by the cheap amusement companies throughout the city.
As a result, one proprietor, J. J. Dunn, who conducts the "Fairyland" show at 1329 Grand avenue, has been cited to appear in police court this morning and answer charges of exhibiting immoral pictures. Others have been found at various places which to not tend to elevate or instruct the youth or older persons, and complaints will be lodged with Mayor Thomas T. Crittenden, Jr., and an effort made to suppress all such pictures as "The Young Model," the "Thaw-White Tragedy" and others of like nature. It is not the object of the workers, they allege, to suppress the moving picture shows, for these are the amusement places of the poorer classes, and, if properly regulated, will prove a benefit.
The report submitted by Miss Thompson is thorough and covers every amusement place of moving picture class in the city. Those pictures which were found to be pleasing are complimented, and those of immoral nature censured. The mutoscope comes in for most of the censure, for it is in these "penny-in-the-slot" machines that most of the pictures which are disapproved are found.