BECAUSE HE SOLD MA'S COW. ~ J. L. Calvert of Six-Mile Township, Is Now in Jail.

July 8, 1908

J. L. Calvert of Six-Mile Township, Is
Now in Jail.

Because he sold a cow that was his mothers and got a scandalously low figure for it, J. L. Calvert of Six-Mile township, Wyandotte county, found himself in jail last night. The animal was a fire red Durham and Calvert says would have made a good "canner" anywhere but would not give enough milk for the family. Sunday night he was standing in the barnyard contemplating "Red," which is the name of the unprofitable pet, when H. R. Butterwick, a neighbor, came along and wanted to buy.

"She is not a good milker," warned Calvert. "She kicks, bawls at night and gets into the garden every day. She's a poor bargain at best."

"If you're not too steep, I don't know but I might bid her in anyway, just for luck," commented Butterwick , suggestively fingering a $20 note.

"Twenty-five and she's yours," was the answer and so the deal was made.

"The following day Mrs. Isabel Sumpter, mother of Calvert, replevined the cow, proving that it had never belonged to Calvert. Butterwick then responded by having Calvert arrested. The hearing may be held in the north city court of Kansas City, Kas., this morning.