BOY IS DROWNED IN CISTERN. ~ Falls Into Death Trap in the Yard of His Home.

July 8, 1908

Falls Into Death Trap in the Yard
of His Home.

Burke F. Miller, 4 years old, was drowned in the cistern at the rear of his parents' residence at 1235 State avenue, yesterday afternoon. The little boy was playing in the yard with his sister Genevieve, 2 years old, when he stepped on a defective plank and fell into the water.

Little Genevieve ran to the kitchen door and aroused her mother. Mrs. Miler called some laborers from a sewer ditch nearby and they went int the cistern for the boy. Dr. W. J. Pearson was sumoned, and he worked over the child an hour then pronounced him dead.

The child's father, Samuel A. Miller, is an insurance collector. He said last night that the body would be taken to Gardner Kas., tomorrow morning for burial.