July 1, 1908


Gathered From All Parts of the City
and Carried to the Park in Spe-
cial Cars -- Day of Feast-
ing and Games.

Pathos was interwoven with the pleasure of almost 300 poor children on the occasion of their first annual outing under the auspices of the Federation of Women's Clubs at Swope park yesterday, but the event probably will be remembered by all participating as one of the most enjoyable of their lives.

Children of many nationalities were there from every section of the city. The majority had been arrayed for the occasion, but a few went as best they could. Sunday behavior, too, accompanied the merrymakers, and the ladies in charge had little or no difficulty.

At designated meeting points in various sections of the city the little ones, whose ages ranged from 6 to 13 years, were met by special cars at an early morning hour, and later were unloaded at the gates of the park with baskets of good things, hammocks, swings and other articles designed to add to the pleasure of the day, all of which had been provided by ladies of the various city clubs, shortly after which a large shaded spot was taken possession of and the fun began.

Until noon there was singing, dancing, racing for boys and girls and other sports appealing to little folk in which all participated and enjoyed, but the principal event of the day was the feast, a feast the like of which probably never had been dreamed of even by the most daring of those present.


When the word was given to unpack the baskets the task was accomplished in record time by the girls, during the course of which many a luscious cookie or lump of sugar mysteriously found its way into watering mouths and not over-fed stomachs. Within a short time spreads had been laid on the grass, all were seated and the signal given to "pitch in," which was done immediately.

Some ate slow, others fast, but all ate with relish. Before long much of what had been provided had disappeared, but not all into the mouths of hungry children. There were thoughts of loved ones at home who could not attend the feast, and many a dainty morsel was hidden under skirts or in coat pockets to be taken to hard working mothers, sick brothers or sisters or unfortunate fathers. Indeed, there were many instances of children eating sparingly so that they might be enable to take baskets home, hence the pathos.

After the feast, playing was resumed until at such time as all were gathered together to indulge in singing many of the familiar national songs, the accompaniments to which were rendered by Mrs. Dr. J. A. McLaughlin and Miss Margaret Hart, and for a time the woods rang with song from almost 300 throats.


The singing stimulated the children as nothing else during the day had. Boys who probably had never before made an effort because of bashfulness, stood arm in arm with each other or with girls, their mouths open and singing at the top of their voices. The singing, which was heard all over the park, proved contagious and within a short time many other picnic parties had been attracted and joined in. Probably never before had there been such a gathering, and it is exceedingly doubtful if ever there will be a repetition.

When evening came the crowd was found tired and ready to depart. No difficulty was experienced getting all together, and on schedule time the cars left the beauty of the country for the conjested sections of the city.

The clubs whose members participated in the day and who were responsible for the outing are: Eternal Progress, South Prospect Study, History and Literature, Anthenaeum, Portia, Women's Reading, Women's Progress Reading, Bancroft, Central Study, Tuesday Morning Study Class, Every Other Week, Alternate Tuesday, Council of Jewish Women and the Melrose Fortnightly.

The arrangements of the day were in charge of Mrs. Harry Kyle, district chairman, and Mrs. H. N. Ess, state chairman of the Federation of Women's Clubs.