CUPID PLAYS HAVOC IN BAND. ~ Navassars' Manager Is Kept Busy Looking for New Musicians.

July 25, 1908

Navassars' Manager Is Kept Busy
Looking for New Musicians.

A band of women musicians is much harder to manage than a band of men musicians. Most men who have tried to manage one woman will see the difficulty in trying to handle sixty or seventy.

Managing the Navassar Ladies' band, which is playing at Carnival park, brings no end of trouble. Not that the women of the band are more fretful or perverse than their sisters who cook and sew in their own homes, but Cupid interferes.

Already this season the Navassar band has lost eight members through marriage. When a man musician marries he usually takes his wife with him for the honeymoon, but the women musicians can't very well travel with a husband tagging along with them, mostly because hubby must have a job somewhere. So the women leave the band when they marry.

The band manager? Why, he sighs when he hears the news, congratulates the groom and searches for another woman to take the bride's place in the organization.