HAS BEEN GRAFTED 30 TIMES. ~ Leo Weedy, Dunning Opera House Victim, Is Operated On Again.

July 28, 1908

Lee Weedy, Dunning Opera House
Victim, Is Operated On Again.

Lee Weedy, a fire inspector in Kansas City, Kas., yesterday underwent his thirtieth operation in the grafting of skin to parts of his body burned in the fire of the Dunning opera house in 1894. At the time that the ancient playhouse was destroyed Weedy was a member of the No. 2 hose company. He was caught by falling walls and was nearly roasted before being rescued.

Since he has received his injuries more than 400 pieces of human flesh were grafted from nurses at Bethany hospital and members of the fire department, most of which grew successfully. A space about the size of a hand on the right calf of his right leg failed to knit. Drs. L. D. Mable and D. E. Smith yesterday removed four strips of skin measuring one inch in width and five inches in length from other parts of Mr. Weedy's anatomy and grafted them to the unhealed burns. The physicians state that the operation will be successful. Mr. Weedy will remain at the hospital pending the result of the operation.