Senator Warner Is Cheered by Bat-
tery B When He Voices Sentiment.
"I was foolish enough to vote for four new bttleships and I would vote for sixteen more if I thought they were needed to preserve the peace of this country."
Senator William Warner made this statement last night at the banquet of Battery B of the Third regiment at the Coate house, and the boys of Battery B gave him cheer after cheer. Senator Warner's eminent standing with the militia was further evidenced when he said that he believed in the army and the navy, but peace above all.
"But I would fight for peace," he said, and that pleased the embryonic soldiers more than ever.
The state and the nation is doing right in contibuting to the militia, according to the senator, and he assured the young men that he stood ready and willing to co-operate with them in anything that would obtain for the good of the service.
This was the third annual banquet of Batery B of the Kansas City list artillery. Dr. J. Thomas Pittman was the toastmaster and Senator William Warner one of the guests. Warren E. Comstock paid a poetic tribute to the late Col. R. H. Hunt.
These were the other speakers: The Rev. Herbert E. Waters, invocation; Captain George R. Collins, "The Battery"; Fred A. Boxley, "Power of the New Gun"; W. P. Borland, "The Citizen Soldier"; T. T. Crittenden, Sr., "Civic Benefits From the Guard"; Herbert E. Waters, "An Empire and Its Builder."