Coroner Finds Miss Cretia Blair Died
of Illegal Operation.
After an autopsy on the body of Miss Cretia Blair, a young woman who died suddenly at the residence of L. B. Walker, 512 Bellefontaine avenue, Sunday afternoon, Coroner George B. Thompson yesterday expressed the belief that her death had been caused by septic poison, super-induced by an operation. Whether this operation was illegally performed, however, will not be determined until after an examination by Dr. Frank J. Hall.
Dr. G. A. Blair, of Inland, Neb., the girl's father, will arrive here today to take charge of the body. Miss Blair, accompanied by her sister, came here from her Nebraska home two years ago.
"A dearer, sweeter girl never lived," said Mrs. Marie Warwick of 412 Whittier place, speaking of the dead young woman yesterday. Mrs. Walker, at whose home the girl died, said she had never seen her before she called to engage a room.
"I know no more about the girl than you do," she said. "She was brought here by another woman, and, as I had a room vacant, I let her have it."
Residents in the vicinity of the Walker home say that the family always has been highly respected and that nothing out of the ordinary has ever taken place at the house to their knowledge.