IT IS TECUMSEH'S TOMAHAWK. ~ Old Hatchet Will Be Exhibited in Independence Today.

July 4, 1908

Old Hatchet Will Be Exhibited in In-
dependence Today.

One of the things which will be of interest to those who wish to celebrate on the Fourth in a sane and quiet manner will be an exhibition of relics in the court house at Independence. One of the relics will be a tomahawk which is said to have been originally owned by Tecumseh, a famous Shawnee Indian chief.

It was given to Elks Kanatawa, his brother, by Tecumseh when he himself became too old to go on the warpath, and Elks Kanatawa used it in the battle of Tippecanoe. In some manner or other the tomahawk fell into the hands of Daniel Boone, who afterwards gave it to Colonel W. H. Russell. Colonel Russell kept the Indian hatchet until his death, when it went to his grandson, W. L. Russell, and at his death it descended to E. H. Bettis, 706 South Fuller avenue, Independence.