Bicyclist Catapulted by Motor Car
Driven by Kansas City Woman.
DENVER, COL., June 26. -- (Special.) While on his bicycle at Sixteenth and Larimer streets, and trying to dodge a car yesterday afternoon, Joseph Skega, an employe of the Denver Fire Clay Comapny, had a head-on collision with the automobile of Dr. W. L. Hess, breaking the glass of the wind shield and driving completely through it into the lap of Mrs. J. E. Edson, wife of the president of the Kansas City Southern railroad, who was driving an d was sitting in the seat beside the physician.
Mr. Edson and his family had just reached the city in a private car. They are friends of Dr. Hess, who received them in his automobile at the union station. In the machine, besides Mr. and Mrs. Edson, were his daughters, Mrs. K. P. Williams, wife of the quartermaster at Fort Leavenworth, Kas, an d Miss Geraldine Edson.
The front wheel of Skega's bicycle struck the hood of the automobile, throwing the rider over the handlebars and against the glass of the wind shield. Jagged edges of the glass cut the victim's face and neck in a dozen places, while his bicycle was wrecked. Mrs. Edson's dress was bespattered with blood from his wounds. Dr. Hess placed Skega in the automobile, and after reaching the city hall assisted Police Surgeon Ackley in dressing his wounds, later conveying the injured man to his home.