Frank Jung Was the Son of Charlie
Jung, General Merchant.
The passing of a little mite of yellow humanity caused much sorrow in Kansas City's Chinatown yesterday. The little fellow who died was Frank Jung, 1 year and 4 months old, and the first Chinese boy, born in Kanas City, to die. His father, Charlie Jung, runs a general merchandise store at 127 West Sixth street. The mother came from San Francisco, where she was born in the Chinese quarter, and as been married to Charlie Jung two years.
Five Chinese children have been born in Kansas City, of whom three were girls and two were boys. One girl and one boy are still living. The little baby who died yesterday was the other boy.
No religious ceremonies will be held, but the body will merely be taken to the cemetery by the parents and buried. This formality will be accomplished at 2 o'clock this afternoon at Union cemetery. The Chinese have no theories with regard to the future of children's souls.