LOCKJAW CAUSED HIS DEATH. ~ James McMahan Was Wounded by the Tusk of a Boar.

July 20, 1908

James McMahan Was Wounded by
the Tusk of a Boar.

James McMahan, for many years the proprietor of a private detective agency in this city, did yesterday at St. Luke's hospital from lockjaw. The accident by which the disease was contracted was a peculiar one.

McMahan was trying to drive an unruly boar out of his stable lot on his farm near Leeds when he slipped and fell. The animal attacked the prostrate man and inflicted a gash on his forehead with his tusks. Tetanus developed and several days ago McMahan was removed to the hospital.

McMahan was a criminal detective employed by the Mooney and Boland Detective agency in New York before he came to Kansas City. His detective agency in this city made a reputation for itself. Mr. McMahan was compelled to retire from the business because of weak eyes. The funeral will be held from the home, 6227 East Eleventh street, tomorrow afternoon.