Nearly 200 Members Enrolled at the
Club Now Forming.
Within another week the Kansas City Women's Athletic Club, which for some time has been promoted by Mrs. Viola D. McMurray, will have become a reality with nearly 200 active members enrolled. Negotiations for a building are now under way and before early fall the structure will be equipped with the latest improved apparatus.
Thus far more than 100 paid-up member are on the roll, the majority being members of well known families, and because of the rapidity in which they have been enrolled, the promoters expect to have received the quota before July 7.
Although at this time there is said to be no intention of competing in the various classes with those of similar clubs for the sterner sex, it is not denied that eventually there is a possibility of it. Therefore, the style of "gym" clothes to be worn is occasioning not a little inquiry from young women who already have entered their names and those who contemplate joining.
The club is to be entirely independent and what is accomplished will be the result of the members alone, under the supervision of Mrs. McMurray.
Although the building already has been decided upon, the location is being kept secret. It has been said, however, that it is in one of the principal downtown thoroughfares and within easy access of all car lines.