MEGAPHONE MAN TO BE MUTE. ~ Council Takes Away License of Rubberneck Car's Solicitor.

July 1, 1908

Council Takes Away License of Rub-
berneck Car's Solicitor.

A muzzle is to be put on the megaphone man on the rubberneck car, an ordinance having been passed by the upper ho use last night taking his license away from him.

"We do not intend to stop the car," Alderman George H. Edwards explained. "Business men in the block where the car starts, and the Union depot people complain about the abuse of the existing ordinance. The sight seeing car will still be permitted to run if this ordinance is passed, but there will be an end to the row made in soliciting patronage. Merchants are not allowed to solicit in this manner and they must all be treated alike."

The vote to abolish the megaphone was unanimous.