Juvenile Court Ward Surprised
Young Women Settlement Workers.
"San-Ann-toe-nee, Ann-toe-nee-oh ---"
Thirty childish voices split the air with popular music at the Franklin institute yesterday afternoon. It was the singing hour for the children who attend the playgorund next door, and they were having their first lesson in popular music. They sang freely and sweetly and picked up the words of the songs quickly.
The singing hour was instituted by Miss Elenore Casny, who has charge of the playground, yesterday afternoon, as a life-saving device to keep the children from overheating themselves at play. Miss Amos Nichols and Miss Frances Canny volunteered to furnish the music, and the scheme was put through with perfect success. One 12-year-old, Willie Zinn, a ward of the juvenile court, was discovered to have a beautiful voice, and an effort will be made to have it cultivated. Another session of the class will be held today, in the hottest part of the afternoon, and the lessons probably will be continued during the summer. An upstairs room, designed for a kindergarten, will be used.