UNION DEPOT IN DARKNESS. ~ Passengers Couldn't Find Their Way Out and Trains Were Delayed.

July 21, 1908

Passengers Couldn't Find Their Way
Out and Trains Were Delayed.

The Union depot was in total darkness for five minutes, from 8:54 until 8:59, last night. Trouble at the power house shut off all the electricity just at the time the passengers were going to the Santa Fe, Chicago & Alton, M., K. & T., Missouri Pacific and Wabash 9 o'clock trains.

It was homeseekers' night and the depot was crowded when the lights went out. The depot employes did not start to procure lights for a moment, expecting the "juice" to come back immediately. Finally they lighted a few gas jets and procured candles. The telegraphy office looked as thought it were decorated for a Santa Claus reception, for each operator had a candle all his own.

The arc lights came back five minutes after they went out but the incandescents were out until 9:13. Many of the 9 o'clock trains went out several minutes late, waiting for the passengers who could not find their way through the dark depot.