Passengers Couldn't Find Their Way
Out and Trains Were Delayed.
The Union depot was in total darkness for five minutes, from 8:54 until 8:59, last night. Trouble at the power house shut off all the electricity just at the time the passengers were going to the Santa Fe, Chicago & Alton, M., K. & T., Missouri Pacific and Wabash 9 o'clock trains.
It was homeseekers' night and the depot was crowded when the lights went out. The depot employes did not start to procure lights for a moment, expecting the "juice" to come back immediately. Finally they lighted a few gas jets and procured candles. The telegraphy office looked as thought it were decorated for a Santa Claus reception, for each operator had a candle all his own.
The arc lights came back five minutes after they went out but the incandescents were out until 9:13. Many of the 9 o'clock trains went out several minutes late, waiting for the passengers who could not find their way through the dark depot.