Bertram August Von Unworth De-
signed Many Kansas City Homes.
Bertram August Unworth, 69 years old, died at his home, 2903 Gillham road. Born in Germany Mr. Von Unworth graduated from the gynmasium at Glogau and afterwards studied architecture at the University of Berlin. He was an officer for many years on the staff of General Count Von Moltke and served in the campaign of 1859, the Polish campagn of 1864 and the war of 1866. After leaving the army he married Fraulein Moldzio, who is still living, and came to America in 1870. In 1877 he located in Kansas City, and has lived here ever since. He practiced his profession of architect and many of the beautiful homes in Kansas City are the product of his brain.
Besides the widow, six children survive, Hans, Hermann, Frida, Gertrude, Erdmuthe and Margarethe. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock at the home. Burial will be in Elmwood.