ARREST AWAITS THE CHAUFFEUR SQUIRTER. ~ Miss Beers Was in an Auto Which Mr. Harrington Drenched With His Garden Hose as It Scorched Past.

August 6, 1908

Miss Beers Was in an Auto Which
Mr. Harrington Drenched With
His Garden Hose as It
Scorched Past.

A state warrant was issued out of the North division of the city court, Kansas City, Kas., yesterday for the arrest of C. D. Harrington, a prominent contractor who lives at 2033 West Thirty-ninth street, which is just across the Kansas state line from Westport. He is charged with assault, the complaint being signed by H. M. Beers, a well known horse and mule dealer of Kansas City, Mo. When Squire Lee, the negro constable of the court, visited Mr. Harrington's home last night for the purpose of serving the warrant, he was told that Mr. Harrington was with friends in Kansas City, Mo.

The warrant for Mr. Harrington's arrest is the outcome of a little stunt pulled off by him last Saturday evening in front of his home. It seems from the statement made to County Attorney Joseph Taggart by Mr. Beers and his attorney, J. K. Cubbison: Harrington had objected to the speed at which some automobiles were driven through the street in front of his home. In fact Mr. Beer's machine was one of those complained of. Beers told Mr. Taggart that he had told Harrington if his driver exceeded the speed limit to have him arrested.

Mr. Harrington evidently did not wish to take the trouble of causing a warrant to be issued for Mr. Beers's chauffeur, but instead, when he drove the machine in front of his home last Saturday evening he turned the garden hose loose on the auto and its occupants. It happened that Mr. Beers's daughter, Miss Frances, was the only passenger and she received a real ducking.

Mr. Beers in his complaint alleges that his daughter suffered a severe nervous shock, and he declares he will prosecute the case against Harrington, regardless of the cost.

Constable Leo will make another effort to secure service on Mr. Harrington today.