George Lemon, Subject to Fits, Per-
ishes Before Help Arrives.
George Lemon, 17 years old, entered the barber shop of Joseph Sarp and James S. Caldwell, 2605 East Eighteenth street, last night about 9 o'clock and said he wanted to take a bath. R. M. Dodson, the negro porter, prepared the bath for him, filling the tub half full of lukewarm water. Lemon entered and was heard splashing around. Fifteen minutes later his body was heard to fall in the tub and those who rushed into the room found him lying in the water, dead.
Dr. N. McVey was called and he tried to resuscitate him, but without avail. The body was taken to Eylar Bros., undertakers, where Coroner George B. Thompson examined it and found the death was due to drowning. Lemon was subject to epileptic attacks, one of which probably caused him to fall in the tub. No inquest will be held.
The boy was a teamster and lived at 1704 Agnes avenue with his parents and brother.