EXCELSIOR SPRINGS IS READY FOR FAIRBANKS. ~ W. S. Cowherd Will Welcome the Vice President.

August 19, 1908

W. S. Cowherd Will Welcome
the Vice President.

EXCELSIOR SPRINGS, MO., Aug. 18. -- This town is the mecca of politicians today. They are flocking here from two states. Charles W. Fairbanks, Republican, vice president of the United States, is coming in the morning.

In the afternoon W. S. Cowherd, Democratic gubernatorial nominee in Missouri, will make an address welcoming the vice president to the state and the state's watering place -- Excelsior Springs.

The vice president will be here at 6:54 o'clock in the morning, and half the population -- Republican and Democrat -- will be out a mile form town to welcome him at the Milwaukee depot.

The United States government has sent a troop of cavalry from Fort Leavenworth to act as escort for Mr. Fairbanks from the depot to the residence of L. V. Morse, where he is to be entertained while here, and the Chautauqua Association has sent a special train to Excelsior Springs Junction to get E. M. Hiner and his Kansas City Third Regiment band to help greet him.

This afternoon, practically the beginning of the Chautauqua, Benjamin B. Lindsay, the juvenile court judge of Denver, spoke to an unusually large crowd at Superior park. Of course Judge Lindsay confirmed his remarks to the subject nearest his heart, juvenile courts, and the making of young Americans out of bad boys.