FOUND A "COLOR" IN HIS YARD. ~ Kansas City, Kas., Man Struck Something That Looked Like Gold.

August 25, 1908

Kansas City, Kas., Man Struck Some-
thing That Looked Like Gold.

For about the tenth time in so many years, gold, the real old yellow stuff, the so-called root of all evil, has again been found in the hills of Kansas City, Kas. This time the precious metal has been discovered in the rear of the home of John Martin, 70 South Forest street, and the new "diggins" threatens to put Cripple Creek and Dawson City on the bum. If future development furnishes no disappointments, Mr. Martin and the Forest street mine will make Scotty and his Death Valley mint look like 30 cents in Mexican silver.

The discovery of gold in Mr. Martin's yard was made several days ago while a well was being dug there. The matter was kept a secret in order that a national syndicate might be organized for the purpose of buying up all the land lying between the Kaw mouth and Grandview, it being the belief of some that the mother lode starts from the hill upon which stands the Grandview sanitarium, running in a southeasterly line to a point near where the main Riverview sewer empties into the Kaw river.

Thomas Wood, the druggist, who tested the ore sample from Mr. Martin's diggins, says there is no doubt that it contains some of the real stuff. Mr. Martin took some of the dirt to a Missouri assayer yesterday and was told that it contained traces of gold. However, the report received by him was not sufficiently encouraging to warrant him in expending any large sum in the development of the mine.

Traces of gold have been found in various parts of Wyandotte county, but that was all. So far, not even a scare has resulted from any of these discoveries.