IT WILL BE WARM TODAY. ~ Cooling Winds Headed This Way Were Switched Off.

August 16, 1908

Cooling Winds Headed This Way
Were Switched Off.

Storm clouds and cooling winds, which on Friday passed over the western mountains and were headed toward this section, ran off the switch somewhere to the north, and southerly winds were allowed to have full sway, so that Kansas City, especially in the business portions, began again to swelter and to sweat. Yesterday's high temperature, 93, was almost the limit reached this year, although on two day s the thermometer registered 94. In the residence portion of the city some breezes were stirring, but for the greater part it was the business and working men who felt the heat.

No immediate relief is promised by the weather man, although it is stated that the storm clouds which missed this section yesterday may again show up within a day or two. Every indication points to even warmer weather today and tomorrow.