IT'S TO BE FINISHED AT LAST. ~ Apartment House at Thirty-First and Tracy Has Been Landmark.

August 8, 1908

Apartment House at Thirty-First and
Tracy Has Been Landmark.

After having stood in its unfinished condition over two years, the five-story brick building at Thirty-first and Tracy avenue is to be completed. Finding that there were not the necessary fire walls in place, and that the interior iron was too light, the building inspectors refused to permit the finishing of the building.

Labor troubles were frequent, and to that is laid the fact that some of the exterior walls are not true. Plans have now been submitted and accepted for putting in reinforcing steel, and the building, which is to be an apartment house, is to be finished.

The unfinished building has been a blot on the pretty landscape, with its roofless walls and gaping windows and wilderness of debris strewn about. Thousands passing on the Thirty-first street cares have gazed on it and wondered. Property owners of the neighborhood have gazed on it and done something else. That it is to be finished at last will be bright news to many indirectly concerned.