Prest Foundry at Sheffield, Hot, but
Interesting Place.
While the average Kansas Cityan who has had to stay at home this summer is complaining of the heat, it would make their lot much easier to bear if they should visit a foundry where the furnaces are being manufactured which are intended to heat their homes during the winter months. To see the perspiring foundrymen running here and there with great ladles of molten iron would make the office man feel that his lot had been cast in pleasant places.
The Prest Heating Company's plant at Sheffield is a busy place these days, trying to keep ahead of their orders for furnaces and furnace fittings.
"This has been the best year we have ever had," said Mr. John R. Ranson, president of the company. "This, we think, is not only due to the superiority of our goods, but to the fact that the patriotic people of this section want factories and they believe the way to build factories is to patronize them." This firm in addition to manufacturing and installing furnaces makes high grade commercial casting in any quality.